John T. Hartman Elementary is best known for its outstanding culture. With a caring, nurturing staff, extensive community partnership and generous parent involvement. We desire to develop the whole student. The main focuses at Hartman are attendance, attitude and achievement. By providing a solid foundation, students quickly learn how to be competitive and grow naturally into their love of learning.
Pre-K program serves students ages 4-5 and promotes independent learning and exploration to provide students the tools needed to enter Kindergarten ready to learn and to help your child grow as a lifelong learner. Students must be three or four years old on or before July 31 to qualify for Pre-K.
Uniforms (optional):
Solid white or navy blue short or long-sleeved shirt (must have a collar or turtleneck). Tan (khaki) or navy blue pants, skirt, jumper, or shorts. No denim is allowed.
School Hours:
8:20 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
School Activities & Partners:
Boy/Girls Scouts
Country Club Christian Church
Congregational Church Drama
Mid-Town Kiwanis
Outdoor Classroom
UMKC Upper Room
8111 Oak St.
Kansas City, MO 64114
(816) 418-1750
Twitter: @KCPS_Hartman